typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [999c] typedstream HashTable Object GopherBrowserCell HeaderClass %%%%i@@ NXBrowserCell genericobject_nib GopherClient /usr/include/string.h ItemInfoHostName myWindow MainText ItemInfoType myIndexPanel myDispatcher ItemInfoPanel IndexTextItem MainScroller ItemInfoFileName ItemInfoPortNumber windowDidBecomeKey: cellClicked: cancelIndex: searchIndex: windowWillClose: setDispatcher: windowDidResignKey: FirstResponder firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: [3857c] typedstream HashTable Object NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [23{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject GopherClient ClientWindow WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Gopher Window Responder NXSplitView NXBrowser Control @@::#@ssssi** Matrix NXBrowserCell BrowserItem Helvetica ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [105c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Ohlfs;} \margl40 \margr40 \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs20\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs ScrollingText IndexSearch Index Search Panel Button ButtonCell ActionCell Search NXreturnSign Cancel TextField TextFieldCell Search for What? Field1 ItemInfo Gopher Item Inspector [443c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f1\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f1\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 The \b Hostname \b0 is the name of the machine which actually holds a copy of the document/directory selected.\ \b Selector String \b0 field is the unique identifier on the remote machine.\ \b Port Number \b0 is the port under which the remote server can be contacted. unknown Hostname: Selector String: Port Number: Item Type: Title Field2 Field Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7! {i*@@@} [16{i*@@@}] myWindow delegate myIndexPanel IndexTextItem cancelIndex: searchIndex: performClick: MainText MainScroller cellClicked: ItemInfoPanel ItemInfoHostName ItemInfoFileName ItemInfoPortNumber ItemInfoType